論文翻訳、論文校正 ( 英文校正 ) サービス



By Emily (CC)

Colleges and Universities of the World in English

Welcome to our main page for colleges and universities from around the world with photographs. Please note that our primary consideration in selecting these schools was the photographs, not the schools themselves. The schools range from those prominent on the international stage to schools that are less known and include information with each picture. We are starting with colleges and universities in the English speaking world and Europe. We will be adding more schools in the future, perhaps even in different parts of the world, so please come back again in the future. We hope that these pictures and the information will be of interest to you.


--University of California at Berkeley
--Massachusetts Institute of Technology
--Princeton University
--University of Kansas
--University of Washington
--Yale University
--Simon Fraser University
--University of Manitoba
--University of Toronto
--All Souls College at the University of Oxford
--Jerwood Library at the University of Cambridge
--Heidelberg University of Applied Sciences
--University of Catania
--University of Vienna
--University of Zaragoza
--Lomonosov Moscow State University
--University of Wrocław
--Warsaw University of Technology

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