論文翻訳 ・ 校正、情報、エッセイ、読み物





By Fdecomite (CC)

エッセイ ( 論文翻訳 )
日本語で読める!役立つ読み物 ( 論文について )
英語論文翻訳 ・ 校正に役立つ情報
ぶらり旅気分 : 世界の大学 ( 英語解説、写真付 )

ありとあらゆる言語における翻訳 ・ 校正にも、対応中!!
翻訳専門の ELS

論文翻訳 ・ 校正における連絡先(日本): honyaku@excom-system.com

Foreign words: italics and definitions

Foreign words that are not used in English do not go in quotation marks in English. They go in italics. We think you should rejoice in being able to use italics. For years and years and years, people typed English and could not use italics. Today, we have computers and word processing software enabling us to use italics. Not that long ago, only printers could do this. Now that we can use italics, let's take advantage of being able to do so.

We know that sushi, futon, and kimono have all found their way into standard English in the same way that coffee, milk, and baseball have all made themselves at home in Japanese. Sushi, futon, and kimono do not require an explanation because they are part of English. Kotatsu, gemba, and andon are Japanese words. They do require an explanation. Here’s what you might write if you were talking about a kotatsu.

We ate dinner sitting at the kotatsu, a small table with a source of heat underneath. A quilt, acting like a skirt, encloses the area under the table to keep the heat under the table.

If you are not sure what is a foreign word for English and what is not, we recommend that you check several English-English dictionaries. Not being able to find the word is the best indication that it is probably not accepted in English. Another option is to do a Google or Yahoo! search. You could examine English documents on the Internet to see what is common usage. Remember, however, that common usage is not always correct usage.

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