英語論文翻訳 ( 日英、和英翻訳 )、論文校正、英文添削



By Timetrax 23 (CC)



英語 論文翻訳、校正サービスについての 代表者連絡先 : honyaku@excom-system.com までご連絡ください。

Style Manuals

Each academic publication in the United States normally specifies a style for submission of articles for publication. Some of the most familiar styles are The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), American Medical Association Manual of Style (AMA), MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (MLA), and The Chicago Manual of Style (Chicago). Here’s an example of what these four style manuals require in the reference section for the name of the first author.

Name of the first author in style manuals
APA Doe, J. A.
MLA Doe, J. A.
Chicago Doe, Jane A.

You’ll note that only the APA and the MLA are the same.

The question we always ask is why the need for so many different styles. The answer is that each style developed independently of the others. The ideal situation would be if each group got together to develop one unified style. Unfortunately, we suspect that may never happen.

In addition to these four examples, there are other styles. Academic publications being written or translated for a Japanese publication without style requirements could use any style, but authors do need to select one style and consistently follow that style. What is correct for one style may be a mistake in another. Your writing will be better if your style is consistent.


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