英語 論文 翻訳 校正 ( 日英、和英 翻訳 ) 所要時間



By Hafied Gany (CC)



また、論文校正の納期に余裕をいただけると、スムーズに作業を進められるだけではなく、承った論文の校正に最適な論文校正者を確保しやすくなります。該当分野を専門とする優秀な論文校正者との日程調整が容易になるからです。ほんの少し日程に余裕を持たせることで、論文校正品質を大きくアップさせる ことができます。

なお、論文校正者が理解しにくい点が原稿にあると、御希望に沿った英文校正品質を保証いたしかねる場合もあります。日本語で書かれた原文を元にお客様ご自身で翻訳された英語論文を校正に出される場合は、原文と英文を比較しながら校正を行うことで、原文の文意を保ったまま高品質の英文に仕上げることも可能です。詳細については、DIY 和英翻訳サービスDIY 英和翻訳サービスのページをご覧ください。

お問い合わせ ・ ご依頼をお待ちしております。

英語論文翻訳 ( 英日、日英 )、英語論文校正 ( 英文校正 )、各種言語の論文翻訳、校正、ネイティブチェックサービスについてのお問い合わせは、日本国内代表者連絡先 honyaku@excom-system.com までご連絡ください。

英語翻訳、校正サービスの場合は、追加料金無しで2名の英語ネイティブが英文をダブルチェック! (納期に余裕がある場合)

人文社会分野、行政文書、各種報告書、一般技術分野、海外販促 ウェブページ翻訳などに関する英語 多言語 の翻訳 ネイティブチェック 校正 添削 リライト、オンライン 英文ライティング 個別指導 (自由英作文、各種ビジネス文書、英文テクニカルライティング 学生向け 入試英作文 TOEFL 対策 英文ライティング指導 など ) などの多様な言語サービスを提供。

Good writing and time

Good writing requires time and good academic writing requires even more time. We recommend that you give yourself enough time to write, rewrite, edit, rewrite, and edit.

Hasty writing is not good writing. Hasty writing is also difficult to translate or edit.

Suppose you have to write an academic paper. Your task is to do research and finish your writing by May 16. You have sixteen weeks to research and write. Here’s one schedule that might work for you:

1. Weeks one to seven
Begin research. As you read and think about what you will write, make notes in your computer. Plus, as you read, prepare the reference section draft.

2. Week eight
You think you have completed the research for your paper. You may have to look for one more article or one more book sometime between now and May 16. Still, now is the time to begin writing. Your first task is to outline your paper. You need an introduction, a literature review, a section with your ideas, and a conclusion. We suggest you begin with the literature review. Your week eight task is to write the literature review section.

3. Week nine
You have finished the first draft of your literature review. Week nine is for your thinking. The question to answer in your writing is how your thinking is both the same and different from what you have read about in the literature review. You may find it helpful to think of what you are doing as building upon the work of other scholarship. Other authors have built the first floor of a house. Your task is to build the second. Week nine is for writing about your ideas for the second floor.

By Mikael
Altemark (CC)
4. Week ten
You now have the literature review and your thinking. Your thinking may be divided into a number of sections. Week ten is for writing the introduction. Rereading the sections on your own thinking will help you to write the introduction. As you write, we suggest you keep in mind that you are doing the first draft. Keep writing. The big picture is what you are working on in week ten.

5. Week eleven
Now you need a break. Preparing your acknowledgements and your references are a good way to take a break. You started the reference section during weeks one to seven, so now you are making sure you’ve included all the references. Plus, references are a good reminder about the research you have done.

6. Week twelve
You’ve had your break. Week twelve is for editing. Take off your researcher’s hat, and put on your editor’s hat. You have a new job this week. Your job is to edit your paper. The little picture is what you are working on in week twelve.

7. Week thirteen
This week is for reading the entire paper. When you were editor during week twelve, you made numerous changes and corrections. Sometimes you may have read the paper and wondered who wrote it. This week, you need to think about improving your ideas and your writing. Improving your ideas does not mean starting all over. Improving means to build upon the ideas you have already put into your paper.

8. Week fourteen
This is another editing week. Read the entire paper from start to finish. After reading and editing, prepare your title page.

9. Week fifteen
May 16 is only two weeks away. The ideal situation is for you to ask another person to read your paper. If this is possible, great. Go ahead. However, you’re the writer and the researcher. You may agree with comments you get from another reader or you may not. Reread your paper again as the writer.

10. Week sixteen
You’re in your last week. Your task for week sixteen is to read the paper as editor. You are looking for typos, missing commas, and other small problems. Your job is not to rewrite now. Your job is to edit for correct language. The little picture is what you are working on in week sixteen.

If you have followed the sixteen week writing schedule, we believe you have done your research and written an excellent paper.

If you decided to develop your own schedule, great. We hope you were successful.


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