

論文翻訳 所要時間

By Jon Oakley (CC)



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Sentence length

Japanese sentences can be very long, and those in academic articles even longer. English sentences are also long, but long sentences in English are difficult to write well. In general, long Japanese sentences translated into English should be divided into two or more English sentences. When writing in English, you need to remember appropriate length.

One readability concept is being able to read a sentence from start to finish and retain the entire meaning. That is, the reader should be able to read a sentence from beginning to end and understand the entire sentence. We know that this concept is not always followed in academic writing. Still, we would like to recommend remembering this readability concept for good academic writing.

In general, good sentence length for English writing is about fifteen to twenty words. Sentences in academic texts tend to be longer. More typical is about twenty-five to thirty words in a sentence. Note the two examples below. Example A is one long sentence, 107 words. Example B is the sentence divided into five shorter sentences.

By Mo Riza (CC)
Example B
Linguists studying language variation often characterize speech communities from the perspective of extra-linguistic factors, such as education and income, and while this characterization is generally useful and does illuminate dialect variation, we would like to note that linguists do know a pure dialect simply does not exist in that one particular group of people from one region or one ethnic group does not speak a pure dialect simply because large numbers of individuals are in contact with other large numbers of individuals and with a multiplicity of language variation within a speech community, so that the idea of a pure dialect is just that, a theoretical idea.

Example B
Linguists studying language variation often characterize speech communities from the perspective of extra-linguistic factors, such as education and income. This characterization is generally useful and does illuminate dialect variation. Still, we would like to note that linguists do know a pure dialect simply does not exist. One particular group of people from one region or one ethnic group does not speak a pure dialect. Because large numbers of individuals are in contact with other large numbers of individuals and with a multiplicity of language variation within a speech community, the idea of a pure dialect is just that, a theoretical idea.

Clearly, Example B would pass a readability test while Example A would not.

In addition, we would like you to notice the varying lengths of the sentences in Example B. Such varying is a writing technique that adds energy to your text. Varied sentence length will make your text a better reading experience. Note how the first sentence in Example B has 19 words and the last has 37 words. The average sentence has 20.6 words.

One other concern about sentence length is where a text will be read. For reading on screen, shorter sentences are better in that screen resolution is not as good as paper resolution. Reading is slightly more challenging on a screen.

One approach to looking at sentence length is to think in terms of readability. You want your writing to have a high readability score. To increase your readability score, you want to remember the following guidelines:

1. Fewer words in sentences
2. More active verbs rather than passive verbs


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