英語論文翻訳 ( 日英、和英翻訳 )、論文校正、論文添削



By Rich Murray (CC)




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References can be time consuming to write and to edit. Spending sufficient time writing them correctly is as essential as following the appropriate style guide. Anything less and the article may be received less favorably, causing peer review evaluators and readers to question the scholarship of the writer.

The first step to writing your references is to know the style guidelines for the publication where you are submitting your article. Style guidelines have different requirements. We show several different styles below.

The Chicago Manual of Style
Jones, Jane T. The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco, Fog Press, 2008.

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
JT Jones. The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco: Fog Press, 2008.

Modern Language Association
Jones, Jane T. The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco: Fog Press, 2008.

American Psychological Association
Jones, J. T. (2008). The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco: Fog Press.

Microsoft Manual for Technical Publications
Jones, Jane T. The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco, CA: Fog Press, 2008.

American Medical Association Manual of Style
Jones JT. The Myth of the Tooth Fairy. San Francisco, CA: Fog Press; 2008.

Editing your references

The second step is to edit your references. Here’s where fresh eyes are important. You know which style guideline to follow. Now the task is for you to read each reference to check spacing, punctuation, spelling, and accuracy.

What may be helpful is to read the references at least three times after you have written them. The first reading could be for spelling and accuracy and the second reading could be for spacing and punctuation. Using your spell checker may help you to catch any mistakes. You may also want to search for any incorrect use of double spaces to edit double spaces to one space. The third reading could be to confirm that you have found all errors and that your references are perfect.


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