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Critical Reading

Helpful Information Page No. 3

By Craig
Conley (CC)
When you have finished writing your paper, we recommend at the bottom of our thesis_other_languages_translation.html page that you ask a colleague to read your paper.

Sometimes, however, critical reading from a colleague in your field might be a more appropriate option. Your colleague would be familiar with the literature and issues and would know how to critically read your paper.

Critical reading is significantly different from casual reading. When you read critically, you read with questions almost as if you were writing a research paper. Here are six suggestions for critical reading if one of your colleagues asks you to critically read an article:

1. Prereading
Before you begin to read, look for an overview of the contents. You could find the overview from looking at the table of contents or from skimming the article.

2. Prequestioning
After you understand the contents of what you are about to read, you could make a list of questions that you think the author will address in the article.

3. Reading
You may read the article once, or you may find you need to read it two or three times to understand the arguments. As you read, you will want to take notes. You may notice that some sections are not smoothly written or you may notice that some ideas are not fully developed.

4. Historically
Because this is your field, you will be familiar with the literature in the field. One question to ask yourself as you read is where this article fits into the literature in the field.

5. Questions
After you complete your critical reading, you may want to return to the questions you originally posed in Item 2 above. Now, you will want to ask yourself if the author addressed your questions. If the questions were not addressed, you may want to ask the author if they need to be addressed. At this point, however, you may have discovered that reading the article raised other questions that were not addressed. These questions may be topics for future research, which the author may appreciate discussing with you.

By Urban Data (CC)
6. Providing feedback
Now your task becomes providing feedback to the author. Your feedback will include both positive and negative aspects of the article. Questions to think about for providing feedback may include the following:

a) Does the author include a review of what has been previously done in the field?
b) Does the author present an introduction, which flows into a body, which flows into a conclusion?
c) Does the author present evidence and is the evidence clearly expressed?
d) Does the author include the article with both future directions and limitations in the article?
e) How can you best summarize what you have learned from reading the article and provide intelligent yet critical feedback to the author?

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