
ゴールデンゲートブリッジ    ELSバナー


By Eric Surfdude (CC)
ELS に、英文の校正をご依頼いただいた場合の各種サンプルを掲載しました。ぜひ、ご依頼いただく際の参考にしてください。(個人情報の関係上、各サンプルにおける原文は、サンプル専用に弊社で執筆した日本語文章になっています。)

【 サンプル一覧 】




ベーシック ・ プラスは、 ベーシックの英語文書よりも高度な英文になります。ELS のライターが、ベーシックレベルの校正作業をおこなったあと、それを修正 ・ リライトして、ベーシック・プラスレベルの英語文書まで向上させます。

By Melissa Wiese (CC)




ELS では、ネイティブレベルの校正をおこなったあと、単語の選択、スタイル、一貫性、整合性などに重点を置いて英語文書をリライトし、学術・文芸レベルにまで仕上げます。

ELS からのコメント
例えば、(??OK??) や (??This was not clear??) は、「内容は正しいと思われるが、100%の確信は無い」ということを意味しています。コメントを書き添える場合には、上記のように、括弧内のコメントを2個のクエスチョンマークではさんで記載します。(こういった質疑応答にも時間が必用になます。何卒ご了承ください。)

【 英文校正作業における ELS ポリシー 】
ELS では、校正文章における品質維持のため、英文校正やライティングなどのチェックに、極力2人のネイティブを起用するようにしています。もちろん、ネイティブの人数を1人から2人に増やすにあたり、追加料金は一切発生しません。しかし、場合によっては、納品までの時間を多めに頂戴することになる可能性があることをご了承ください。もちろん、お急ぎの場合には、それに見合った対応をさせていただきます。ただし、校正文章の品質と納期までに頂戴できる時間は、比例関係にあることを十分ご理解いただきますよう、お願い申し上げます。
※ 文章量が多い場合には、事前にご相談ください。





ロンリープラネット カリフォルニア
By Simon Shek (CC)
 術後、呼吸管理 ・ 輸期管理では非常に困難を伴ったが救命することが出来た。


The mother had placenta previa, and delivered the baby, a girl, by Caesarean section at 27 weeks gestation. The birth weight was 1060 grams.

When the baby was 3 days old, abdominal distention occurred, and it gradually developed. When the baby was 10 days old, an abdominal X-ray was taken, and an image of a significant amount of intra-abdominal gas was observed. The baby was diagnosed as having gastrointestinal perforation and sent to our Department. When admitted to the hospital, the baby weighed 850 grams, and had significant abdominal distention. A large amount of intra-abdominal gas was observed. We made a diagnosis of gastrointestinal perforation, and performed an operation.

The perforation was located in the ileum. 20 cm of defective blood circulation was observed at the end of the ileum. We made a diagnosis of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, put in a suture, and closed the perforation.

Respiratory care and infusion management after the operation were very difficult; however, we were able to save the baby's life.

ベーシック バージョン

The mother had placenta previa and delivered a baby girl by Caesarian section. The baby was just 27 weeks old and weighed 1,060 grams.

Three days later the baby developed abdominal distention. X-ray examination done a week later showed significant amount of intra-abdominal gas. The baby was diagnosed with gastrointestinal perforation and was admitted to the hospital. She weighed 850 grams.

Doctors found about 20 cm of defective blood circulation and perforation in the baby’s ileum, consistent with neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. Respiratory care and infusion management after surgery proved difficult to administer; however, they were able to save the baby's life.

ベーシック ・ プラス バージョン

The mother had placenta previa and delivered at 27 weeks’gestation. The baby, a girl, was delivered by Caesarian section, weighing in at 1,060 grams.

At three days old, the baby developed abdominal distention and a week later was found to have a significant amount of intra-abdominal gas. She was diagnosed with gastrointestinal perforation and admitted to the hospital for surgery. The baby’s weight upon admission was 850 grams.

There was defective blood circulation in the ileum, consistent with neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. Doctors treated and closed the perforation. Respiratory care and infusion management after surgery were difficult; however, the baby’s life was saved.

ネイティブ バージョン

The mother had placenta previa and delivered a baby girl by C-section. The baby was premature at 27 weeks old and weighing 1,060 grams.

Three days later, however, the baby developed abdominal distention and was found to have significant amount of intra-abdominal gas. She was admitted to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with gastrointestinal perforation. Weight upon hospital admission was 850 grams.

During surgery, doctors found a perforation in the ileum, consistent with neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis. The perforation was sutured and closed. Respiratory care and infusion management after surgery were difficult; however, doctors said the baby was in stable condition.


At 27 weeks, the mother was found to have placenta previa. Caesarian procedure was performed, and the mother delivered a female infant who weighed 1,060 grams.

Three days later, however, the infant developed abdominal distention. Diagnostic procedure at 10 days found the infant to have a significant amount of intra-abdominal gas. She was taken to the hospital for surgery. She weighed just 850 grams.

Doctors found a perforation and defective blood circulation in the ileum, consistent with neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis, a condition typically found in premature infants. The perforation was closed.

Although post-operative respiratory care and infusion management have been difficult, the infant is now recovering.




ジャンパ・ピン J1 の位置を変更し、希望する電圧範囲に合わせます。ピンの位置を 1 ステップ変更するごとに 1 V 変化します。
デジタルマルチメータ (DMM) を電源出力端子に接続し、電圧レンジを希望する範囲にセットします。
DMM の指示値を観察しながら、ポテンショメータ P1 を右または左にゆっくりと回します。
DMM の指示値が、希望する電圧になったら、ポテンショメータの調整ネジに、速乾性のペイントを少量塗って固定します。


Adjust the output voltage by following the procedures described below: Remove the panel of the rear side of the power supply unit.
Change the position of the jumper pin J1 in order to match the range of the voltage that you wish. The voltage changes by 1 V every time you change the position of the pin by 1 step.
Connect the digital multi meter (DMM) to the power output terminals and set the range of voltage that you wish.
During observing the indication value of the DMM, turn the potentiometer P1 to the right or to the left slowly.
If the voltage does not increase or decrease to the voltage that you wish by turning the potentiometer, change the position of the jumper pin and adjust with the potentiometer again.
If the indication value of the DMM becomes the voltage that you wish, paint a small amount of paint that dries quickly on the adjustment screw of the potentiometer in order to fix it.
Install the panel that was removed as the way it was before.

ベーシック バージョン

Adjust the output voltage by following the procedure described below: Remove the panel on the rear of the power supply unit.
Change the position of jumper pin J1 to match the range of voltage that you wish. The voltage changes by 1V every time you change the position of the pin by one step.
Connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to the power output terminals and set the range of voltage that you wish.
While observing the value of the DMM, turn the potentiometer P1 to the right or left slowly.
If the voltage does not increase or decrease to the voltage that you wish when you turn the potentiometer, change the position of the jumper pin and adjust with the potentiometer again.
If the value of the DMM is the voltage that you wish, paint a small amount of quick-drying paint on the adjustment screw of the potentiometer in order to secure it.
Install the panel that was removed before.

ベーシッ ク・プラス バージョン

Adjust the output voltage by following this procedure:

Remove the rear panel of the power supply unit.
Change the position of the jumper pin J1 to match the range of voltage that you want. The voltage changes by 1V every time you move the pin one step.
Connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to the power output terminals and set the desired range of voltage.
While observing the value indicated on the DMM, turn the potentiometer P1 slowly right or left to adjust the output voltage.
If the voltage does not reach the desired level when you turn the potentiometer, change the position of the jumper pin and slowly turn the potentiometer again. If the DMM indicates the desired voltage, secure the adjustment screw of the potentiometer by painting it with a small amount of quick-drying paint.
Replace the rear panel of the power supply unit.

ネイティブ バージョン

To adjust the output voltage of the power supply, first remove the panel on the back of the power supply unit.

The position of jumper pin J1 limits the range of voltage output by the power supply. Moving the jumper pin at one step increments the voltage by 1V.

Reposition the jumper pin to match the desired voltage output.

Connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to the power output terminals. On the DMM, enter the desired range of voltage.

Use the potentiometer P1 to finely adjust the unit’s voltage output. Watching the voltage reading on the DMM, turn the potentiometer left or right.

If you cannot reach the desired voltage by turning the potentiometer, change the position of the jumper pin and try again. When the desired voltage is achieved, secure the position of the adjustment screw of the potentiometer with a little fast-drying paint.

Replace the rear panel of the power supply unit.


The following procedure describes how to adjust the output voltage of the power supply unit:

Remove the rear panel of the power supply unit.
Change the position of jumper pin J1 so that it matches the range of voltage that you want. Moving the jumper pin at one step increases or decreases the voltage by 1V.
Connect the digital multimeter (DMM) to the power output terminals. Set it for the desired range of voltage.
Watching the display on the DMM, turn the potentiometer P1 slowly in either direction to adjust the voltage.
If turning the potentiometer does not result in the desired voltage output, change the position of the jumper pin and try again.
When the DMM shows that the voltage output is at the desired level, fix the adjustment screw of the potentiometer in place. The best method for securing the screw is to apply a thin layer of quick-drying paint.
Return the rear panel to its original position.




拝啓、XXX 様


先月開催されました展示会に於きましては、弊社新製品のパワークリーナに多大なるご興味をお示し頂き恐悦しごくに存じます。つきましては、同製品のカタロ グ、標準仕様書、並びに価格表を同封させて頂きますので、よろしくご査収下さいますようお願い申し上げます。

なお、詳細仕様および価格に関しましては、ご購入数量および納期などに応じまして、柔軟に対応させて頂きますので、お気軽にご相談下さいますようお願い致 します。

また、設置場所の条件に応じた特殊仕様もご提供致しております。仕様変更に関しましては、弊社セールスエンジニアが、現地にお伺いしてお見積もりさせて頂 きます。




Dear Ms. Jane Smith:

We are very happy to know that your company is more and more prospering.

We are more than delighted with your showing great interest in our new power cleaner at the exhibition that was held last month ago. Enclosed, please kindly receive the catalogue, standard specifications, and the price list of the power cleaner. Please feel freely to consult us regarding the detailed specifications and the prices. We will very flexibly respond to your requests according to the order amount, delivery date, and so on.

We also offer special specifications to suit the product to the conditions at your installation location. As for specification changes, our sales engineer will visit the site to provide you with the estimate.

We are looking forward to hear from you.

Yours Very Truly,

ベーシック バージョン

Dear Ms. Smith:

We are very happy to know that your company is prospering.

Thank you for showing interest in our new power cleaner at the exhibition last month. We are enclosing a catalogue, standard specifications, and the price list of the power cleaner.

Please feel free to consult us regarding detailed specifications and prices. We will respond to your requests and can be flexible as to the order amount, delivery date, and so on.

We also offer non-standard specifications to suit the product to the conditions at your installation location. For specification changes, our sales engineer will visit the site to provide you with the estimate.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

ベーシック・プ ラス バージョン

Dear Ms. Smith:

Thank you for showing interest in our new power cleaner at the exhibition last month. We are enclosing a catalogue, specifications for the standard model, and the price list.

Please feel free to contact us regarding detailed specifications and prices. We will be delighted to respond to your requests and you will find we can be quite flexible to best meet your needs.

We will be happy to discuss non-standard specifications to suit the product to the conditions at your installation location. For specification changes, our sales engineer will visit your site so that we can provide you with an accurate estimate.

We are very happy to know that your company is prospering.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Very truly yours,

ネイティブ バージョン

Dear Ms. Smith:

I enjoyed chatting with you and learning about your business at the exhibition last month.

I am writing to continue our discussion about your interest in our new power cleaner. Enclosed you will find a catalogue, specifications for the standard model, and the price list.

Please contact me regarding detailed specifications and prices. I will be happy to discuss non-standard specifications to suit the product to the conditions at your installation location. I think you will find the XYZ Company able to meet your needs. For specification changes, our sales engineer will visit your site and provide an accurate cost estimate.

We are very pleased to know that your company is prospering.

We look forward to hearing from you.


( 注 : ビジネスレターでは、スピードが重要視されます。よって、時間を必用とする文芸・学術レベルの校正サンプルはありません。 )


英語、英文、多言語翻訳、校正、オンライン英文ライティング ( 英作文 ) 指導など

翻訳、校正総合受付 : honyaku@excom-system.com( 日本語 ・ 英語対応可能 )

ネットスクール形式の英文、英語文章ライティング指導 (書き方指導、日英翻訳講座、TOEIC TOEFL 大学入試対策講座)。


自動車、エレクトロニクス、機械、化学、科学、産業、電気通信、半導体、IT、技術、情報セキュリティ、ネットワーキング、ソフトウェア、特許、土木、建築から文学、医療、医学、法律、契約 ( 契約書 )、行政、政治、経済、金融、マーケティング、ビジネス、国際ビジネス、国際取引、歴史、社会学、観光、メディア、環境など、あらゆる分野での翻訳、校正をサポートします。

医療論文 ( 医学論文 )、小児科論文、看護論文、卒業論文、法律論文、観光論文、科学論文を始め、環境、半導体、自動車の技術 ・ 研究論文、経済、政治、歴史、社会学、文学、ビジネスなど、あらゆる分野における学術論文の翻訳、校正作業を、専門知識が豊富なスタッフが対応します。英語論文の書き方についても専門家が対応しています。



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