英語論文翻訳 ( 日英、和英翻訳 )、論文校正、料金のお支払い


英語 ( 英文 ) 論文翻訳 ・ 校正料金 お支払いについて

By Clayton Parker (CC)



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英語論文翻訳、英語論文校正サービス ( 英文ネイティブチェック ) についての 代表者連絡先 : honyaku@excom-system.com までご連絡ください。

This writer, the writer, we, or I

Publications and style guides prescribe different ways for academic authors to refer to themselves. Once upon a time, the requirement was this writer or the writer. In the past, academic writers avoided using I to refer to themselves. Individual authors used we rather than I.

Now, a number of style manuals indicate that I is appropriate. For example, the 5th edition of the APA (the style manual for the American Psychological Association) requires I for individual authorship or we for joint authorship rather than the researchers. The APSA (the style manual for the American Political Science Association) requires that individual authors use I. We is reserved for joint authorship.

Still, using I is to be done less rather than more frequently.


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