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Academic writing requires consistency. For format and style, the same conventions should be followed for punctuation, capitalization, footnotes, italics, quotation marks, paragraphing and other facets of writing.

Example 1, Lack of consistency
The first group increased reading speed by 8%; group 2 increased by 18 percent. The third group increased by only six points.

Example 2, Consistency
The first group increased reading speed by 8 percent; the second group increased by 18 percent; and the third group increased by 6 percent.

Language also requires consistency. If in the first paragraph on page 2, you explain that Group A exercised for twenty minutes each day for a month, you need to use the same style group name and the same way of expressing time on page 17.

Example 3, Lack of consistency
Group A exercised for twenty minutes each day for 30 days, and the second group exercised for 30 minutes each day for sixty days.

Example 4, Consistency
Group A exercised for 20 minutes each day for 30 days, and Group B exercised for 30 minutes each day for 60 days.

Consistency, however, sometimes conflicts with other standards. For example, one academic standard is to avoid starting sentences with numbers written in numeral form.

Example 5, Consistency
20 minutes 3 days each week for 30 days is significantly less exercise than 30 minutes each day for 30 days.

The sentence is clearly consistent, but the consistency breaks the basic rule of avoiding numbers when starting a sentence.

Example 6, Consistency and the number rule
Exercising for 20 minutes 3 days each week for 30 days is significantly less than exercising 30 minutes each day for 30 days.

Note that example 6 now uses two gerunds to maintain consistency in language and to follow the number rule.

While all writing requires consistency, academic writing is generally held to a higher standard than other kinds of writing. Academic writing demands your very best.


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