トップへ ( 医学英語翻訳サービス、医学英文校正サービス )

とっさの英語表現 ? 医学英語 ページに戻る


I have high blood pressure.

とっさの英語表現 ? 医学英語 No. 18

If you need to tell a doctor that your blood pressure is too high, you can say this: I have high blood pressure.

By Mr. T in DC (CC)

Controllable and uncontrollable risk factors

This is the photographer's Omron HEM-432C Manual Digital Blood Pressure Monitor. His wife used it while training for a marathon a few years ago. Now the photographer keeps tabs on his borderline high blood pressure. High blood pressure comes from two main types of risk factors: uncontrollable and controllable. Uncontrollable risk factors are heredity, which means it runs in your family; race, which means that some races such as African Americans have more problems with high blood pressure than other races; and age, the risk increasing with age. Controllable risk factors are not enough exercise, too much drinking, too much salt, weighing too much, and having too much stress. We can all work on our controllable risk factors to have better health.

医学英語翻訳、医学英文正サービス ( 英文ネイティブチェック ) 等につきましては、日本での代表者連絡先 : honyaku@excom-system.com までご連絡ください。


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