トップへ ( 医学英語翻訳サービス、医学英文校正サービス )

とっさの英語表現 ? 医学英語 ページに戻る


I need a nurse.

とっさの英語表現 ? 医学英語 No. 13

If you need help from a nurse, you can say this: I need a nurse.

By Good Catmum (CC)

Clara Barton and Florence Nightingale

Clara Barton, pioneering American nurse, was born just one year after Florence Nightingale was born in Europe. They would both live to be 90 years old, changing the face of nursing in the United States and the United Kingdom. Before Barton and Nightingale, nursing was a hardly a profession, primarily performed by poorer women who also functioned as cooks. Barton and Nightingale made nursing a real profession.

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